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JOHN OUMA OLOUCH (Gaffer/Water Transportaion Coordinator)

John has been a local fisherman for over 20 years, not only on Rusinga Island but in various regions of East Africa. He is a qualified coxswain and a member of his local fishing village council.
John provided his expertise to the Nightrunners production as the water transport captain, as the liaison for the local fishing village and acquired new skills as a Gaffer. With his height (6’4″) and gentle way with people, he also acquired a couple knicknames: “Big John” and “John the Gentle Giant” – or just “Giant” for short.
John informed us that his earnings from his work on Nightrunners will feed his family of 6 children (including 3 adopted orphans) for about a year – and that was his priority.
The world needs more Giants like John.
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